Why Should You Invest in New Insulation

At CR3 American Exteriors, we offer many services. One of the many things we offer is insulation.  Insulation is found in ceilings, floors, attics, and so much more. The insulation in your home is a material that is used to prevent the temperatures outside from coming in. But did you know that insulation serves many other purposes as well? In this blog, we will look into some of the many benefits of insulation and why you might choose to upgrade yours.

  1. Lower Energy Costs— When your insulation is older, it can lose effectiveness. This can lead to heat loss during the winter and increased heat during the summer. When this happens, your A/C or heating systems work harder to keep up with the change in temperature, and you wind up paying more for energy costs. Replacing your insulation with a new one can actually save you money in the long run, helping you spend less on energy. 
  2. Decreased Noise— Did you know that insulation can lower noise pollution from outside? If you constantly hear noises coming in from outdoors, you might need to update your insulation. This is especially helpful for those who live near a busy road, the airport, a train station, or even those who just have loud neighbors. If you deal with loud noises surrounding your home, you might want to look into upgrading your insulation. 
  3. Positive Environmental Impact— New insulation offers environmental benefits due to eco-friendly materials. In addition, the increased energy efficiency benefits the environment as well and lowers your carbon footprint!
  4. Increased Home Value— New insulation can raise the value of your house. When you upgrade your home with insulation, you are making it more beneficial for the next owners who want to buy.
  5. Enhanced Comfort— By regulating and balancing the temperature throughout the whole house, you are making it more comfortable to live in for you and even for the next family who might buy it!

Are you ready to update your insulation? Call us today!

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