Which Roofing Material is Sturdiest for Hurricanes?

Did you know that some roofing materials are much sturdier than others?

That’s right. There are many materials out there for roofing, and each one has pros and cons. However, there is one roofing material that just happens to be the strongest against bad weather, and this is especially important with the storms we have been seeing lately.

With Hurricane Ida causing a crazy amount of damage, many have had to evacuate to stay safe. Certain areas are more prone to hurricane and bad weather than others, and for people living in these areas, it might be a good idea to choose a sturdier roof material.

So, what is the strongest, most durable type of roof out there?

Metal roofs. There are a variety of kinds of metal roofs, but metal in general is strong and is more likely to keep you safe and protected. Why is this? Metal can actually withstand much more force when it comes to winds, even staying strong against winds blowing up to around 140 miles an hour. For reference, Hurricane Ida’s winds are around 103 miles per hour. These winds have done a lot of damage to many homes. 

Personally, our favorite roofing material is asphalt shingles, but that is because it is more cost effective and makes sense in areas that do not receive as many hurricanes. However, if you live in an area where you are prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, or any other awful storms, you definitely might want to consider opting for a metal roof. While it might cost more up front, it could save you money on damages in the long run. 

Every person will have a different preference of roof, and every location will have different needs. It is important to do your research and find the best possible roof for you.

As always, if you ever have any questions, please reach out to us or a local professional. 

Stay safe!

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