What to do After a Winter Storm in Maryland

If you live in Maryland, then you have likely been dealing with the nasty winter weather. From snow to rain and everything in between, the winter storms have been causing many to stay at home and bunker down. The problem is, for a lot of people, the stormy weather has taken a toll on their houses. This includes leaks, bent or broken shingles and/ or siding, shattered windows, and so much more. We at CR3 American Exteriors want you to know that you do not have to deal with the aftermath of the storm alone. If you live in Maryland, or one of the many other areas we service, and you have leaks or other damage from the recent winter storm, we are here to help you!

Not only do we offer free inspections and/ or consultations, but we will work with your insurance providers to ensure that you receive the most coverage possible. We will take care of the communication with your insurance company so that you do not have to. We will make sure that they have all of the proof they need to pay for the majority of the damage. No homeowner should ever feel like they are backed into a corner financially. Home insurance exists for a reason! 

We do what we do because we care about our customers, and we will always put their well-being first. Your safety takes priority, and if your home has damage, it is not as safe as it could be. In these situations, you should never wait. You should always have your home fixed right away to avoid more possible damage. 

If your home was affected by the recent storm, give us a call today! We are always here for you. 


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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.