Preventing Siding Damage From Insects

It is strange that something so small can make such a big mess. That’s right; bugs and other tiny critters can be a major issue to the siding of your house. This is a common issue and you may have even spotted this happening before. Perhaps, you began to notice small holes in the siding or have seen the bugs eating away at it. Whatever the case is, there are many things you can do to both treat and/or prevent the problem from escalating. Read on to learn more!

Did you know that vinyl siding is a much better option when it comes to bugs than wood siding? Termites, carpenter bees, and other little insects tend to be attracted to wood and will have no problem munching on your house. Therefore, if you have wood siding, you are much more likely to have damage from insects. Additionally, the older your siding is, the more likely it is to be attractive to insects. Older siding was less protective whereas newer siding takes precautions to keep pests out. 

If you are able to choose what siding to go with, vinyl is always a great option. However, if you have wood siding that will be around for a while and you are experiencing issues with insects, there are still steps you can take to fix the problem. The first thing you should do is reach out to an exterminator if the problem is so bad that it needs a professional to check it out. If you are able to, you can also treat the siding yourself by purchasing specific bug repellent, which you can find online, and spraying or scrubbing down the siding. 

If your siding is falling apart due to pests, it might be time to replace it. This ensures that your house is properly protected and safe from any critters. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you have!

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