Pollen and Your Home

This season has been one of the strongest pollen seasons in many years. If you have been sneezing and sniffling, you are not alone. Many people have been noticing the difference as well. You also might be finding layers of yellow and green dust on your car windows and even on your home.

While pollen is mostly harmless— outside of the annoying allergies it can cause— there are still certain effects you will want to look out for. The more layers of pollen that build up, the more problems it can cause. 

So, how is pollen an issue, and what can you do to be aware of it?

The more pollen that builds up, the more it can trap moisture within it. This can eventually lead to the growth of mold and even algae. In addition, pollen can welcome unwanted insects to your home— such as bees and other critters searching for pollen— and this can lead to holes and dead bugs around your house.

On your siding, a lot of pollen can lead to discoloration, and while this can be temporary or permanent, it is definitely something you will want to avoid. If you find excess pollen on your siding, it is good to give it a nice wash. Depending on your siding, you might power wash it, or possibly call a professional to come and help you out. 

On your roof, you may not be able to tell how much pollen has built up. If you have experience safely climbing your roof, you may be able to take a look and see what is going on up there. Otherwise, call a professional to take a look if you feel like there might be an issue you can’t see. Many companies offer free inspections (we do) and having knowledge of an issue is better than blissfully ignoring it. 

As always, if you have questions, give us a call so we can get them answered for you. 

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