Our Four Step Window Replacement Process

Did you know that CR3 American Exteriors offers a variety of window services? We know that strong windows ensure your safety, and we always put your safety as our top priority. We also know that a broken window can not just be left until there is a more convenient time to fix it. We make sure to service your window(s) as fast as we possibly can to keep your home properly insulated, dry, and comfortable for you.

We can install new windows, repair existing windows, and replace broken windows as well.

We even have a specific four step process for window replacement. 

How does it work?

Read the steps below to learn about our four step window replacement process:

  1. Assess
  2. Choose
  3. Order
  4. Install


  1. Assess- Before replacing a window, we will first assess it to discern whether or not the window actually needs to be replaced, or if it just needs a bit of a fix. We can check to see how outdated your windows are as well.
  2. Choose- Once we have assessed that a new window is needed, the next step is having you choose your new window. We have many types of windows to choose from, and the right window will vary based on your location, type of material, etc. Materials to choose from include wood, vinyl, and fiberglass.
  3. Order- Once you have chosen your preferred window, we will go ahead and get it ordered for you. 
  4. Install- This is the step where we install your new window(s). We will always make sure that every window is in perfect condition and properly installed in a timely matter.


We understand that picking a new window is an important decision and we will do everything we can to make the process easy and understandable for you. Please reach out to us with any questions you might have so that we can properly answer them for you. 


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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.