How to Prevent Moss and Algae from Building Up on Your Roof


Algae and moss can be pains to deal with when it comes to your roof. Algae in itself may not be a huge issue in affecting your roof negatively, but it can create discoloration on your shingles, and overtime, it can lead to bigger problems such as mold growth. Moss, however, can be a major pain. It can actually grow and expand under your shingles and force them to shift and rise up, making them break overtime. This can then cause leaks in your home.

The good news is that there are many things you can do to prevent algae and moss from building up on your roof. First of all, it is important to make sure that your trees are not hanging directly over your roof. Keeping branches cut back can help to prevent water and leaves from falling onto your roof consistently. In addition, if trees are keeping the sun from reaching your roof, moisture can get trapped, and things can begin to grow.

You must also make sure that your roof is not covered in leaves, pollen, and other forms of unwanted debris. If it is, you will want to either clean it up (carefully and only if you have experience doing so), or have a professional come to do so. 

Making sure your gutters are clear can also be essential in keeping moisture from building up on your roof. If moisture cannot leave your roof, it will sit, and things can start to grow. Debris in your gutters can also begin to cause growth, and this can spread to your roof. 

If you do have any moss or algae build up, calling a professional is key to help remove it or replace the affected shingles. Give us a call if you have any questions at all and we will be happy to answer them!

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