How to Know When it’s Time to Replace Your Deck

At CR3 American Exteriors, we are now offering a variety of deck services. We are very excited about these additions to the work that we do. Decks are a wonderful way to create your own backyard oasis. You can decorate however you want, selecting beautiful furniture and customizing with your favorite colors. However, sometimes it can be hard to decipher when it’s time to replace an old deck. We know that it is easy to put off exterior remodeling updates, but we want you to understand how important it is to keep you home up to date to ensure the safety of you and your family. 

So, how do you know if it is time for a deck replacement? Let’s take a look at some possible signs:

  • Structural Issues: If you notice any change to the structure of your deck, it is probably time to replace it. Does it seem weaker? Is it shifting or bouncing beneath your feet? Have you noticed more creaks and movements? Structural instability should never be ignored. If you are unsure, get on top of it immediately and call us for a free inspection.
  • Missing Fasteners: Have you noticed your deck missing any bolts, nails, or screws? Have they changed at all or began to rust? Are they not holding properly? If any fasteners are missing or even just loose, it might be time to replace your deck. Again, if you are unsure, call for a free inspection.
  • Warped or Breaking Wood: Is your wood warping, splintering, or breaking? If so, it is definitely time to replace your deck to ensure its stability and safety.
  • Rotting Wood: Rotting wood is a sign that it is time for a new deck. Over time, wood can become victim to weather and outer elements, rotting, decaying, and even growing mold or mildew. Rotted wood cannot offer proper support. If this is the case for you, it is time for a new deck.

We understand that it might be confusing for some to make the call on whether their deck needs replacing or not. This is one of the many reasons we offer free consultations and inspections. Call us today!

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