How to Get Rid of Mold on Your Roof

Did you know that your roof could have mold on it? 

What does this mean, and what should you be doing about it?

Roofs in damp locations are the most likely to grow mold, mildew, and algae. The first step in asking yourself if you are likely to have mold on your roof is to identify where you live and just how moist the air is. The more humid, the more of a chance that you have mold on your roof. 

If you see streaks of ark, slimy stuff on your roof, you may be dealing with mold, algae, or mildew. All of these are not good for your roof and should be taken care of immediately. While mold might be the worst, algae still eats away at certain parts of the roof and makes it weaker and more prone to leaks.

So what should you do if you are dealing with any of these unwanted specimens on your roof?

Once you have identified that you for sure have this, the next step would be to remove whatever is building up on the surface of your house. For some people who have access to getting up on their roofs, they might be able to clean it up themselves. However, if you don’t know what you are doing, and you don’t have experience in climbing on top of your house, do not try to get up there. Call a professional. 

If you can easily climb up on your roof (safely), and have the proper experience, you can take care of the problem yourself. There are many cleaning agents that are specifically designed to help you with these particular problems, but you can also make your own. This mixture uses fifty percent water and fifty percent bleach. Being careful with the bleach, spray this all over the problem area, and then let it sit for one to two hours. After, rinse off the solution with a hose or pressure washer. However, only use a pressure washer if you know for a fact that the material of your roof can handle it. It is usually better to just use a hose. This technique should work, but if the mold or mildew is particularly bad, you might need a stronger solution. You can easily find options for this online.

To prevent future growth of mold, you might consider using a preventative spray. There are also many products you can add to the roof that can help (such as copper pieces). If you are not able to do this yourself, just call a professional. Your safety is the most important!


Finally, we want you to know that all of the shingles we offer come with warranties for algae protection!



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