Home Renovations Following Tornado Warnings in Maryland

Do you live in Maryland? If so, you probably know about the horrible storms that hit just a few days ago. In fact, these Maryland storms got so bad that people across the state received tornado warnings on their phones. This sent many running for their basements and away from windows. While some areas lucked out and did not have a lot of damage, others are dealing with quite a bit of cleanup. Do you live in Maryland? Did you have to deal with the storms and tornado warnings? If you are one of the many who are now facing the aftermath of these storms, and find yourself with damage to the exterior of your home, we are here to help!

There are many different types of damage that can be common after a storm like the one we saw the other day. Let’s take a look at some of the most common storm damage for homes:

  1. Roof Damage: Between heavy winds, falling debris, and hail, shingles can be bent or torn, granules may scrape away, and this roof damage can lead to leaks and structural damage.
  2. Siding Damage: Siding can also be ripped away, cracked, or bent, and exposing the structure beneath.
  3. Window and Door Damage: Doors and windows can be broken or cracked by flying debris, and this can cause water damage to the home.
  4. Gutter Damage: High winds can dislodge gutters, leading to poor drainage. This can force water to remain on the roof, leading to damage.
  5. Water Damage: Most of the problems listed above can lead to water damage. Intense rain can lead to floods, leaks, and water in the home. This can cause mold, damage to the walls, and so much more! If you suspect water damage, never leave it. Always call a professional right away.

Do you live in Maryland? Did the storms leave you with damage? Call us today so we can help!

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