Our Process for Replacing an Existing Roof

Have you ever wondered what our process is for replacing an existing roof?

If you are looking to replace your roof, we can help! We at CR3 American Exteriors are experts in our field and have been updating and replacing roofs for many, many years. We have a specific process for replacing a roof that ensures the best possible experience for our customers.

What is that process? Let’s take a look!

  1. First, we remove your existing roof. We take out every nail and shingle, and dispose of them to make room for your new roof.
  2. Next, we place down an ice and water barrier on each of the eaves, hips, and valleys to ensure your roof is properly protected and water proofed.
  3. The rest of the roof will then have a synthetic roof underlayment installed. This provides protection from moisture.
  4. Our starter shingle strips will then be installed to the eaves of the roof. This happens before the shingles are placed.
  5. Next, the shingles can be installed! Every shingle is uniquely cut and nailed down. They will be placed in a way that protects each individual shingle, providing a strong roof.
  6. Now it is time for the Cobra Vent Ridge Ventilation System. This hidden vent ensures airflow to your roof to enhance its longevity.
  7. Finally, ridge cap shingles are placed on the ridges to cover the ventilation system.
  8. Congratulations! Your roof is now complete and ready to last you for up to fifty years (if not more!)

Receiving a new roof is exciting but also comes with a lot of questions for those who do not have experience in the field. This is why we are always here to help and answer any and all questions you have. Give us a call to setup a free inspection and/or consultation, and we would be happy to help you out.

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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.