Is it Time for a Window Replacement?

How do you know when it is time for a window replacement?

How long do windows last?

If you are wondering if it is time to replace your window, then this is the blog post for you.

Most windows last about fifteen to twenty years on average, but this varies for everyone. There are many ways to tell if it is time to retire your windows. Let’s take a look at what some of these are!

First of all, if you notice that it is becoming increasingly difficult to open and shut the windows, this is probably a sign that it is time to replace them. If it takes a ton of effort to even get your window to move, then it is time to replace it.

Next, if you have a leak or a gap in the frame, then this is a sign that your window needs to be redone. The last thing you want is bad weather coming into your home. The window frame can become worn out just like the actual window itself, and if it is not replaced, it can become unsafe. A frame should properly hold a window in place.

If you are constantly cold or find drafts coming into your home, this is probably a sign to replace your window. There are definitely ways to block out a draft or keep the cold air out, but overall, this is a sign in itself that it is time to get new windows. Fixing this issue will also save tons of money when it comes to paying energy bills. 

You can also test this out by touching the window and seeing how cold it is during the winter or how hot it is in the summer. If it is icy or hot to the touch, it is not properly keeping the weather out.

If the window or the window pane are broken or cracked in any way, it is time to replace them.

Keeping your windows up to date are essential for keeping your house in good shape!


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