How Updating Your Roof Saves Your Energy, and Ways to Save Energy in the Summer

Happy Summer! The warm weather is now here to stay, and with it, many are beginning to crank the air conditioning. Do you find that your energy prices rise a lot in the summer? If you notice that each year, you are spending more and more on energy, that might be a sign that it is time to make some updates to your home. 

So, how does updating your roof save you money on energy costs? 

Any time you update your roofing system, the new materials offer you better protection from the elements and keep the heat or air conditioning from leaking outside of your home. There are three important parts of a roofing system to take into consideration here: asphalt, fiberglass, and stone granules. The new fiberglass matting offers extra protection from the elements. The stone granules protect your home by reflecting UV rays. Over the years, these products can wear down and erode over time, and less products equals less protection. Older shingles will be much thinner than newer ones. 

When your home is updated, it can be checked for any voids or gaps that might be increasing energy usage. These voids can then be filled in, keeping your air conditioning and heat from escaping your house. Voids are typically found around windows as gaps form over time. These can form from weather stripping. Having proper windows is actually one of the best things you can do for energy efficiency. 

Your siding also plays a part in energy efficiency. If the siding is peeling back or the weather has created gaps within it, it will not be able to fully drive its purpose, allowing air conditioning and heat to escape. The better and newer the siding, the more energy efficient.

The truth is that if you invest in your home, you might be saving more money on energy in the long run. This is why it is important to never put off a needed project. 

As always, call us with any questions you have. We can also offer you a free inspection to see how your roof, siding, and windows are doing!

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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.