How to Know If You Need a New Front Door

The front door of your home is one of the most important features. It is the first thing a guest sees when entering your home, serves as part of your curb appeal, and creates a barrier that stands between you and the elements. The front door of your house is a key part of your home’s security. However, as time goes on, the sturdiness of your door can begin to wear out. So, how do you know if you need a door replacement? 

Let’s take a look at three ways you can tell if you need a new front door:

1. Drafts and Energy Inefficiency— If you feel drafts coming in from your front door, this is a sign that it is not keeping you as protected from the elements as it could be. In addition, you might notice a spike in your energy bills. These serve as a way to tell that your door isn’t sealing well. Older doors can actually lose their insulation properties, leading to higher energy costs.

2. Visible Damage— If you notice cracks, warping, or peeling paint, your front door might be at the end of its rope. Not only does structural damage look unpleasant, but it can compromise the functionality and security of your door.

3. Difficulty Opening or Closing— Do you have difficulty opening and closing your door? Does it stick, squeak, or not close properly? If you answered yes to any of these signs, you might be dealing with age-related wear and tear. When a door no longer fits in its frame, it may have expanded from the weather over time, or the frame could have warped for the same reasons. 

These three signs are just some of the many ways you can tell if you need a new front door. If any of these sound familiar to you, you can call us for a free inspection and consultation and we can come take a look.

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