Happy almost Fourth of July! We hope you are ready for a fun, three day weekend.
As the holiday approaches, many are running out to buy fireworks. While fireworks can be a ton of fun, did you know that there are safety concerns to take into consideration in order to keep your house as safe as possible?
So, what can you do to keep your house extra safe during fireworks?
Read on to find out!
The first thing to be aware of is making sure your roof is clean from debris. Did you know that things like leaves and pine needles make your roof extra flammable? Since they catch fire easily, all it would take is one spark to turn into a flame. Therefore, if you plan on using fireworks, it might be a good idea to check the cleanliness of your roof first and foremost.
In addition, check if your shingles are in good shape. If the top layer of the shingle has been scraped away, it is more likely to catch fire.
Next, make sure to keep the fireworks far away from your house. This gives you more control over where they come down, and makes them less likely to start a fire. Also, be aware of where your trees are, especially the ones closest to your house. A big open space with nothing around is the best way to set off fireworks. It’s also important to clean up after yourself when you are done with your firework show. Sometimes, something might look like it has burned out, but hasn’t really. This could start a spark and catch fire to anything near it.
Finally, make sure you are being safe in general during the holiday. Be careful with your barbecues and any open flames. Make sure tiki torches have fully been put out and no candles are left behind. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy your holiday!