How Maryland’s Extreme Weather and Flood Warnings Impact Home Exteriors: CR3 American Exteriors Can Help

Maryland residents have faced a rather intense summer when it comes to weather. Between sweltering heat waves and intense storms, the unpredictability of the weather has thrown many for a loop. While the heat is challenging in itself, recent flood warnings have also become a concern for many homeowners. Floods can cause severe damage to the exteriors of homes,  leaving homeowners with costly repairs. This is where we at CR3 American Exteriors come in. 

Understanding the Impact of Floods on Home Exteriors

Maryland’s floods can wreak havoc on the exterior of homes. Here’s how:

  1. Siding Damage: When siding is exposed to water for prolonged periods of time, it can begin to warm, rot, and even develop mold. This not only affects the aesthetic of the home, but it compromises the structure as well. 
  2. Foundation Issues: When floodwaters seep into the ground, they can cause erosion of the soil and problems to the foundation. This can result in the foundation cracking and shifting, causing costly repairs and risks to the safety of residents. 
  3. Roof Damage: Heavy rainfall can cause all kinds of damage to roofing materials, resulting in leaks, mold, and so much more. When left untreated, this can eventually damage the interior of a home as well. 
  4. Gutter Problems: Floods can cause clogs in gutters by blocking them u p with debris. This can cause them to overflow, leading to water damage, leaks, and damage to the structure and foundation of the home. 

At CR3 American Exteriors, we are experts in our fields, and we are prepared to help with the recent extreme weather and flood warnings. We offer free inspections, so if you suspect your home may have been damaged, we can come and check for free. If we find damage, we will let you know and you can choose how to process from there. If we do not find any damage, we will reassure you and you can feel good about the state of your home. If you live in Maryland, and the recent weather has been affecting you, give us a call today so we can help. 

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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.