Happy New Year— 2024!

Happy New Year from all of us at CR3 American Exteriors to you! We are so very grateful for our CR3 family, and as we step into the new year, we want to remind all of you that we are here in any way that you need. Many people like to set a resolution for the new year. Have you considered making your resolution about your home? We find that many people ignore problems with their homes as they arise, but it is important to get ahead of these issues before they worsen. This is why we like to recommend making your resolution to stay up to date with keeping your home in good condition.

There are many ways to go about doing this. We recommend getting regular inspections for your home at least once a year as well as any time you might suspect any damage. It is then important to resolve any problem before it worsens. If you have an inspection and you do find that you need an update or a fix for your home, it is important to have the damage fixed right away. We will always work with your insurance provider to ensure you receive the most coverage possible. The sooner you resolve an issue, the less chance of further damage you will have. If you have been putting off fixing something about your home, take the time now to have it remedied. As you go into the new year, you can give yourself a fresh start by fixing any preexisting problem. 

We are always here to help you in keeping your home in the best possible condition. Call us today to plan for your next home project.

We wish you a very Happy New Year and hope that 2024 is a fantastic year for you!

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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.