Gutter Myths Debunked: What Every Homeowner Needs to Know

In our blogs, we like to debunk myths and share the truths behind them. While we have looked at myths about roofs and siding, we have barely scratched the surface of common myths about houses that many homeowners believe. In this blog, we will be looking at gutters. Gutters help to direct water away from your roof, preventing flooding, ice dams, and other common damage. However, there are many myths about gutters that are important to debunk. Let’s take a look at some below:

Myth 1: Gutters Are Optional— We are not sure where this myth came from, but it could not be more incorrect and dangerous. Gutters are in no way an optional feature. Every house, and building, needs gutters to prevent leaks, floods, ice dams, mold, mildew, and so much. Without gutters, water can pool around the foundation and lead to expensive repairs. Gutters are not optional and are entirely necessary.

Myth 2: Gutters Don’t Need Regular Cleaning— Gutters need regular cleaning to remove leaves, twigs, and other debris that can lead to clogs. Gutters should be cleaned at least twice a year. If you cannot safely reach yours, hiring a professional to do so is important and can prevent costly repairs in the long run. 

Myth 3: Gutter Guards Eliminate the Need for Cleaning— While gutter guards can significantly reduce the debris that builds up within gutters, they do not eliminate the need for cleaning. Even with guards, gutters require regular inspections and cleanings to keep them working properly. 

Do you have any questions about gutters? Have you possibly fallen for a myth about gutters? The myths listed above are just some of the many falsities that homeowners fall for. Call us today with any questions and concerns you have.

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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.