Do You Need a New Door?

Is it time to update your doors? If you live in Pennsylvania, or any of the other areas we service, and you think it might be time to update your doors, we at CR3 American Exteriors are here to help you! But, how do you know if it is time for a new door? There are many telltale signs that a door might be on its last leg, and if you find that you relate to some of the signs below, you might want to consider updating your door. So, if you live in Pennsylvania, or one of the other areas we work in, we can get you started on the path to selecting your new door.

Signs it is time to replace a door:

  1. Damaged Doors- If you find your door to be warped, broken in any way, or cracked, it is most likely time to replace it. A door should provide security and insulation, and if it is not in good shape, it can not perform the way it should.
  2. Problems with Energy Efficiency – Another sign of needing to replace a door is if you notice drafts. When there are gaps between a door and the frame, the cold can get in and the heat can escape. This can negatively impact your energy efficiency, causing a price increase, and changing the temperature of your home.
  3. Age- Doors, just like anything else, wear down with age. You might find that your door does not operate the way it used to. Perhaps, the door sticks often when trying to open it. Maybe you are beginning to notice rot. Older doors do not provide the same level of security and energy efficiency as new ones. Whatever the case, if you suspect your door is outdated, it may be time to replace it.

If you live in Pennsylvania, or one of the other many areas we service, and you are ready to replace your door, give us a call today!

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CR3 American Exteriors is dedicated to delivering high performance, long lasting exterior solutions. Our roof, gutter, siding, windows, doors, and more exterior home improvements ensure that your greatest investment – your home – will continue to appreciate in value.