Debunking Common Myths About Windows

Windows are an important part of the home, playing a crucial role in energy efficiency, aesthetics, and comfort. However, there are many common myths about windows that people believe. We are here to debunk those in order to help homeowners make the right decisions when it comes to windows for their homes. At CR3 American Exteriors, we will always provide you with accurate information and support you however we can. 

Myth 1: All Windows Are the Same— Not all windows are equal. In fact, windows vary greatly when it comes to materials, durability, and even energy efficiency. Understanding the difference between materials can help homeowners to make the right decisions when it comes to their window selections. 

Myth 2: Windows Don’t Impact Energy Efficiency Much— This myth could not be further from the truth. In fact, poorly insulated windows can actually account for up to 25% of heating and cooling energy use. Updating older windows to modern materials can help reduce the cost of energy bills and make your home more comfortable in every season.

Myth 3: DIY Window Installation is Easy and Cost-Effective— We do not recommend replacing your windows yourself. Installing windows is a complex task that involves proper measurements, insulation, and requires necessary experience. We always recommend hiring a professional for your window replacement needs. 

Myth 4: You Shouldn’t Replace Windows in Winter— Many people believe that replacing windows in the winter is challenging and not a good idea. However, you can absolutely have window replacements done in the winter. Professionals know how to do these replacements with minimal heat loss, and when you replace windows in the colder months, you will quickly notice the improved insulation and reduced frigid air seeping in. 

These are just some of the many myths regarding windows, but there are so many more. This is why we recommend always talking to a professional to learn the truth rather than relying on information from just anyone. We are here to help with your window needs. Call us today! 

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